New series: Back to the Basics

Recently we talked about rediscovering food and its source. A new series I’m calling Back to the Basics. Educating ourselves on real simple food, by sourcing our ingredients intentionally and supporting our local farmers.
The question I’ve been asking myself is: If we continue to walk down this road of convenience, where will our food come from- the farmer or the factory?
I believe it is so vitally important to reconnect with food. Not only for our health and well-being, but for the next generation.
Our Mission
Helping families understand the source of their food to create less dietary confusion and healthier guts.
Did you know, on average a single loaf of sandwich bread contains 32 ingredients(Example: Daves killer organic bread, Oroweat organic bread). Our definition of food is processed or at best organic. It’s time we recognize that creating a world of less effort and convenience comes at a cost- our health!
Together I believe we can spark change within our families and community, by asking the question, how did this get to my table?
Real Food and Real Ingredients
I think we can all admit when we think about food and our next meal, we have this general idea of healthy, not healthy. Just about everyone has an opinion on health and the food we consume. Theirs plenty of diets and information out there that suggests why one is better than the other.
But why do we have so many unhealthy families and communities who have this information, yet they’re stuck in this ongoing cycle of dieting, not dieting?
It’s Simple
We’ve lost the connection with food and its source. We blame grains for our inability to digest them, instead of looking at the process and realizing we are using shortcuts- store bought breads, filled with additives and preservatives. It’s simple, we don’t need more gluten-free products in stores, we need to be educated on the benefits of fermented foods and how to prepare them.
Next week, we’ll dive deeper into sourcing our ingredients intentionally. Until then, I’d love for us to ask the question, how did this get to my table?

New series: Back to the Basics
I’m looking forward to this new series, where we will be doing a deep-dive into the relationship we have we with food. We’ll be looking at where our food comes from- the farmer or the factory? How it’s grown, the time it takes and sharing real wholesome recipes.
Bringing the family together with farming, gardening and a simpler way of life.

Hello, my name is Tara Philipp of She’s Rooted Home. Where I share my families lifestyle, as we get back to the basics and embrace this season of homemaking.
Our Story
At the heart of She’s Rooted Home is a family with a deep rooted desire to get back to the basics and inspire others to do the same. Sharing these simple and meaningful life-giving traditions is behind the core purpose of She’s Rooted Home. Learn more about sourcing your own food within the garden, making delicious gut-healthy sourdough bread, and cultivating a way of slow living that’s good for the family and good for the soul.