New series: Back to the Basics
Understanding food and its source!
Educating ourselves on real simple food, by sourcing our ingredients intentionally and supporting our local farmers.

What’s the difference between store bought eggs and farm fresh eggs?
Once the farmer collects the eggs, they are shipped off to a grading station. They are then washed, packaged and shipped to your local store.
Our Mission
Helping families understand the source of their food to create less dietary confusion and healthier guts.
Did you know, store bought eggs could be up to 4-6 weeks old on the day of purchase? Farmers have up to 30 days to place eggs into cartons and grocery stores have up to 30 days to sell those eggs.
Food for Thought..
When do chickens start laying eggs?
Chickens usually start laying eggs at about 6 months old, producing over 200 eggs there first year.
Do I need a rooster for my hen to lay eggs?
The answer is no. Hens will lay infertile eggs, unless a rooster is present. In that case, the eggs are fertile and can become baby chicks. Roosters also help protect your hens from predators and will even coo at the ladies to share when treats have been found.
Can backyard chicken eggs be stored at room temperature?
Unwashed eggs can be stored at room temperature for a couple of weeks. However, once washed, eggs must be refrigerated. Chicken eggs don’t need to be washed because they have a natural coating called the bloom. This seals the shell’s pores and keeps bacteria out.
What’s the difference between chicken and duck eggs?
Duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs and have a thicker shell. Duck eggs also have an orange yolk, compared to a chicken egg, which has a yellow yolk. Bakers prefer ducks eggs as they make cakes fluffier.

New series: Back to the Basics
I’m looking forward to this new series, where we will be doing a deep-dive into the relationship we have we with food. We’ll be looking at where our food comes from- the farmer or the factory? How it’s grown, the time it takes and sharing real wholesome recipes.
Bringing the family together with farming, gardening and a simpler way of life.

Hello, my name is Tara Philipp of She’s Rooted Home. Where I share my families lifestyle, as we get back to the basics and embrace this season of homemaking.
At the heart of She’s Rooted Home is a family with a deep rooted desire to get back to the basics and inspire others to do the same. Sharing these simple and meaningful life-giving traditions is behind the core purpose of She’s Rooted Home. Learn more about sourcing your own food within the garden, making delicious gut-healthy sourdough bread, and cultivating a way of slow living that’s good for the family and good for the soul.
One Response
I am very interested. To start I just have to wait till I have my next funds come in.
My partner & I have been doing our own side hustle & thats repurposing , renewing &
Refurbish from furniture to what ever we find & even Someone’s unwanted items from home we clean them ,fix ,glue ,paint,or add something new to the item.
We are looking for another side hustle to help us though slow days. It seems like it is easy to grow. Sorry seem to get carried away with this comment lol
My name is lupita and I am looking forward to learning hopefully I can get my partner too.