Equipping families with the know-how to bake and work with sourdough starter.
Hello, my name is Tara Philipp of She’s Rooted Home. Over the last 4 years, I’ve helped educate and inspire families to get back to the basics, by providing dehydrated sourdough starter cultures. Offering our communities and families a gut-healthy alternative to store bought bread and conventional yeasts. For thousands of years bread was, and should be, made with 3 simple ingredients and a slow fermentation process. This breaks down the proteins and carbohydrates in wheat flour- so it doesn’t happen inside our intestines.

Why Sourdough?
Over the last few decades we have learned that convenience comes at a cost- our health! We’ve traded centuries of knowledge and wisdom in food preparation, for fast and easy. Which has resulted in sick families and communities across America. We blame grains for our inability to digest them, instead of looking at the process and realizing we are using shortcuts- like instant yeast. We’ve lost the connection with food and its source. We don’t need more gluten free products in stores, we need to be educated on the benefits of fermented foods and how to prepare them.
It’s shocking to me that we are not offered these cultures in stores, considering the long history and proof that sourdough is better for the gut and even an option for those who may suffer with celiac sensitivities. Sourdough is created though a fermentation process that helps pre-digest the starch’s in wheat. The wild yeast and bacteria in sourdough work together, making the dough rise and develop great flavor.

Adding sourdough bread to your menu allows you to reap its flavorful benefits and can lead to better digestion. Baking 2-3 times a week helps maintain a happy and active starter, allowing you to bake all of my families favorites! A sourdough starter allows families to not only bake artisan bread, but sandwich bread, pancakes, buns, rolls, crackers, tortillas, pasta, pretzels, pizza crust, cinnamon rolls, bagels, croissants and so much more.

By offering dehydrated sourdough starter cultures we can help equip families with the skills they need to bring artistry back into the home kitchen. A traditional homemade sourdough starter can take up to 14 days to become fully active. She’s Rooted Home Dehydrated Sourdough Starter Cultures are active and ready to bake within 2-4 days. This allows you to start baking delicious home made bread that much faster!

If you would like to join us on this adventure and start making your own homemade sourdough bread please visit my amazon link below where you get access to this amazing starter culture!
I look forward to hearing all your wonderful success stories.

As a beginner we know it can be hard to tell if your starter is active & ready to use. Now available- Organic Dehydrated Sourdough Starter Instructions, 22 pages of reactivation instructions, FAQ’s, and a compiled list of questions, called food for thought. These questions were designed to help provide insight during the sourdough process, as you establish yourself as a sourdough home baker.