Seed Exchange package guide for the homesteading partner.

A homesteads goal is to supply a families needs. Backyard chickens(egg layers and meat birds), raised garden beds, food from scratch and lots of homemade/handmade pieces, are all things you can find at a homesteading home. I compiled a small list of ideas that I think any homesteader would enjoy unboxing.
This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you.
- Tristen Gather Bread Basket $29.95
- MIGardener Pollinator & Save The Bees Kit $12.99
- Nature Supply Co Beeswax Lip Balm $6.99
- Total $49.93


- MIGardener- The Homestead Collection $29.99
- 25pk Bamboo Stakes $13.06
- Jobes Organics All Purpose 1.5 pound Fertilizer $4.09
- Total $47.14

What does homesteading mean to you? Do you have any favorite products that you use on the farm or homestead?