Why do you need to fertilize plants? Learn more about IV Organics all purpose fertilizer and how to grow healthy plants.

Why do you need to fertilize plants?
Plants are very similar to humans. If you want them to grow and be healthy they need food just like we do. Plants don’t just consume anything they desire, they have very specific needs. Much like humans who require 3 macro nutrients which are fats, carbohydrates, and protein. Plants also require 3 macro nutrients which are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
Sure if you have decent soil most plants can scratch up some nutrients from the soil but if you want them to thrive and produce the best tasting fruits and vegetables, you need to feed them a high quality fertilizer. I recommend using IV organics all purpose fertilizer.

When do plants need to be fertilized?
It’s a good idea to feed your plants as soon as possible. I like to fertilize my soil at the time of planting that way as soon as the plants need the nutrients they can easily absorb it. I usually try to fertilize my plants once every 30 days during the growing season to make sure they are thriving.

What do you use as fertilizer?
There are many different fertilizers available out there but I prefer only organic fertilizer. The benefits of organic fertilizer over synthetic is that it not only feeds your plants the nutrients they need, but also builds the health of the soil. Having healthy soil is crucial to the health of your plants. You’ll want to feed the microbes and all the critters in the soil, so they’ll help break down and deliver the nutrients for your plants to uptake. It’s truly a symbiotic relationship between the soil, microbes and your plants.

What makes IV Organics fertilizer so special?
I prefer IV Organic all purpose fertilizer because it is organic and contains more than just the macro nutrients. It also contains the secondary nutrients most other fertilize skimp on. IV Organics offers 2 blends of fertilizer, a super blend and premium blend. The premium blend offers lower levels of nutrients and the super blend offers higher levels of nutrients depending on your needs.

How to apply fertilizer to your plants?
You’ll want to check the packaging of your fertilizer for instructions before using. If you are using IV Organics all purpose fertilizer, on the back there is a list of a few different ways you can use this all purpose fertilizer.
- New & young (Under 2) fruit & nut trees, ornamental trees, roses & shrubs.
- Established (3 years & older) fruit & nut trees, ornamental trees, roses & shrubs.
- Vegetables & annuals.
- Potted plants.
- Foliar feed/nutritional spray.
- Compost tea.
I recommend writing down the days you fertilized your plants on a calendar. It’s easy to forget.