Hi friends!
I’m Sylvie, and I’m so happy to share another DIY with you guys this week! If you’ve missed out on my last guest post where I show you another simple DIY on making a garden twine jar for your seed exchange box, make sure to check it out! I also introduce myself, if you are wondering a little bit more about who I am.
When I first started gardening, I thought of it as growing plants and collecting bountiful harvests, but I soon realized that a garden is so much more than that. It requires nature to come into play, to attract bees, and butterflies which work to pollinate your plants to be able to harvest those tasty veggies!

The first year I started including flowers, I was surprised with so many bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, chickadees, gold finches, sparrows, and four little swallows that hover over the garden all summer long. Nature is so incredibly magical and I want to inspire others to bring nature into their gardens. One of the best ways to do that is to feed your pollinators! Flowers are food for all of those little friends you want to invite into your garden. Birds do eat those pesky insects in your garden, but why not give them a little treat by setting out some seeds? It may even help attract new birds to your garden as well!
Including a bird feeder in your seed exchange box is also a great way to help your partner attract more birds into their garden. I’m going to share with you a quick and easy way to include a small bag of seeds to go with your bird feeder!

What you’ll need:
- 1 12×12-inch piece of burlap
- A 10-inch piece of twine
- A paper tag or label
- Letter stamps
- Ink pad or paint
Cut a piece of burlap according to size. You can also choose a bigger or smaller size depending on the amount of seeds you’d like to send! A 12×12-inch piece of burlap fits about 1.5 cups of seeds tucked inside.
Next, punch a hole in your tag. Take your stamps & ink or paint and write down anything you’d like to label your seeds with. Once it’s dry, loop your twine through the hole of your tag.
Lay your piece of burlap down and pour your seeds in the very middle. Take the opposite corners of the burlap and pull them up in the center, doing this with all four corners, and hanging on tight with one of your hands right above the seeds.
Grab your tag with the twine, and loop it around the bag a few times underneath where you are hanging onto it. Tie a couple knots, and you can also finish up with a bow!
All of the items used for this DIY can be purchased at a craft store for a couple dollars each!Amazon Links:
Burlap: https://www.amazon.ca/Linen-Burlap-Fabric-40-Inch-Natural/dp/B00KSXGLGG/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?keywords=burlap&qid=1581967576&sprefix=butlap&sr=8-6&th=1&psc=1