Sharing our families journey as we cultivate a homestead in the Southern California desert.

What does cultivating a homestead look like?
Cultivating a homestead is all about embracing where you are planted. For me that’s Southern California. I kept thinking, if only we could move to a farm and learn how to go back to our roots.. The truth is it doesn’t really matter what state you live in or if you rent or own your home. You can cultivate the life you want, right where you are. It may take a little creativity and hard work but it can be done.

Our family started our homesteading journey by adding backyard chickens. Which then turned into wanting to know more about where our food comes from. We started watching food documentaries and learned how to work with a sourdough starter. Then we moved onto becoming bee keepers. We also have ducks, two kittens and a dog.

Last year we built raised garden beds and added fruit trees to our property. With each year and season we add a little more to the backyard farm or front yard garden. Slowly but surely we are cultivating the life we love with our little family, we are cultivating a homestead!

At its simplest, we are a family going back to our roots. Learning where our food comes from and how to grow it. Choosing to do life together instead of creating busy schedules away from one another.

What does cultivating a homestead look like for you and your family? Be sure to share and use the hashtag #cultivatingahomestead on Instagram!