Becoming a bee keeper and owning a backyard hive.

Talk with a local bee keeper.
Visiting my farmers market, I tried some delicious honey and got to talking with a local bee keeper. He was able to share enough information with me that made me question everything I had assumed about bees. After some research myself, I convinced my husband to let me buy a hive.

What stood out the most was collecting our own honey!
Don’t get me wrong, there was a lot of fear of being stung, the hive swarming, or one of our family members being allergic to a bee sting. We considered all the possibilities and what stood out the most was collecting our own honey.

Our local bee keeper was able to give us a few lessons.
Our local bee keeper was able to give us a few lessons on how to open the hive, what to look for and how to care for the bees. Not to mention the endless Youtube videos we watched.

Just watch the Bee Movie.
It took some time before I was able to call bee keeping relaxing, but there truly is something so peaceful about a colony of bees working together. Protecting the queen, caring for the young, building wax cells, filling them with honey, and bringing in pollen. We laugh because the Bee Movie is one of our favorites and it’s just so accurate.

What are some things that you believe about bees that maybe keeping you from purchasing a hive?