Addi- knitting loom fall pumpkin pattern for beginners.

As a little girl I remember my grandma crocheting me countless blankets. As she got older, it got hander to crochet. I remember here purchasing a knitting machine and making blankets a lot quicker. Not much thought went into it as a young girl, but this last year I mentioned how I wish I could crochet faster. Then the memories came flooding, a knitting machine!!
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I started googling and YouTubing any information I could find on these knitting machines. I am across the addi knitting looms and was sold! Although the one my grandma used was not a loom. This knitting loom seemed a lot less complicated then the old fashion long knitting machines like my grandma had used.

I started practicing in the round with beanies, until I no longer dropped a stitch. Then I mastered the flat panel. Let me tell you, that took a long minute! After watching endless youtube videos and getting comfortable with my knitting loom, I decided I wanted to start making my own designs.

Seeing how we are in fall and I just finished a crochet pumpkin pattern, I decided to test one out on my loom. It definitely took me a few tries but I am so happy with how this pumpkin turned out. Plus how quickly the addi knitting loom works up a project!
If you are interested in purchasing a knitting loom to see if you like it and don’t want to spend a ton, my daughter uses this hand crank knitting loom and we love it.