Bringing the family together with farming, gardening and a simpler way of life.

Meet The Philipp Family
At the heart of She’s Rooted Home is a family with a deep-rooted desire to get back to the basics and inspire others to do the same. Sharing these simple and meaningful life-giving traditions is behind the core purpose of She’s Rooted Home. Learn more about sourcing your own food within the garden, making delicious and gut-healthy sourdough breads and cultivating a way of slow living that’s good for the family and good for the soul.
She’s Rooted Home supplies families with a gut healthy alternative to store bought bread and conventional yeasts through dehydrated sourdough starter cultures. Why sourdough? Over the last few decades we’ve lost our connection with food and its source. We blame grains for our inability to digest them, instead of looking at the process and realizing we are using shortcuts like instant yeast. For centuries bread was and should be made with 3 simple ingredients and a slow fermentation process.

Over the last few years, I’ve helped educate and inspire families to get back to the basics- flour, water and salt; by providing dehydrated sourdough starter cultures. It’s shocking to me that we are not offered these cultures in stores, considering the long history and proof that sourdough is better for the gut and even an option for those who may suffer with celiac sensitivities.

She’s Rooted Home is also known as the Southern California Premier Saffron Farm. Located in the Southern California Mojave Desert. We are considered one of the largest Saffron farms on the west coast, with only a handful of Saffron farms located in the USA. Most of the USA’s Saffron is imported from oversea’s. Iran being the largest producer, supplying 90% of the world’s Saffron. We have a very similar climate to Iran, which is why our saffron thrives here in the Southern California Mojave Desert.
Saffron is the bright red stigma of the flower Sativus Crocus. The 3 Saffron threads are removed from the flower and dried. This flower is planted, harvested, and processed by hand. Making it the worlds most expensive spice. Saffron makes a healthy spice and is used to add color & flavor to many dishes- soups, seafood, rice, chicken, pastries, desert, butter, cheese, and so on.
Learn more about She’s Rooted Home, a family with a deep-rooted desire to get back to the basics and inspire others to do the same, by following along on Instagram @shesrootedhome